Tips and brief notes from the January 2013 “Show and Tell” Program


     1. Judy Bletchford  - Mystery from Nantucket.  She presented an old book on Nantucket dating from the 1800’s.   She is trying to find out more about her family and how they ended up in Nantucket.  Tip:  Check on Ancestry’s trees: Utilize the mailing list on Roots Web.

2. Ted Laws – Old silver from the Netherlands.  Tip: Check the markings on the back to determine history and maker. Consult with other genealogists during travel to maximize the benefit.

3. Stan Wallisch– Old milk bottle from his family’s dairy in Roxborough (early 1900”s).  Tip:  Remnants of old/closed businesses may find their way to flea markets years later.  Also, consider multiple spellings of family names when researching.

4. Ginny – story of a fellow member having a piece of your history.  Tip:  Inform others of your search.

5. Barbara Elliot- decorated plate from 1912 and a book commemorating the company’s 50th anniversary and celebration.  Tip:  What  may appear  to be a boring read may yield  a community’s and  time’s  current life and entertainment to further develop your ancestor’s history.

6. Joe Moler – Derringer Pistol from 1859.  Tip:  While researching he learned a great deal of history on West Virginia and it’s Union connections and support during the Civil War.

7. Gail Cappelli – Bringing her family stories of World War II in England, keeping them alive and illustrating the value of a box of family treasures.  Tip: “Save the Box!  Create a living will for all the genealogical work that has compiled. Assign a “keeper” of the family history.

8. Don – Parents diaries and story of their lives.  Don transposed the diaries and researched their lives, compiling this information into a remarkable labor of love and gift to the family heirs.  He divided the labor with his brother who maintains the family genealogy on the computer.  Tip:  Don’t toss out any letters or diaries.  Start with your living relatives for history. “Go to the kitchen” as the women of the family are usually the keepers of the history and are not usually afraid to share it.

9. Libby Brinton – French Bayonets dating from mid 1800’s remembered in the family home.  The connection is still a mystery to her.  Tip:  Go to military antique shops to obtain information.  Search Google for books on the topic.

10. Diane Mannington – Found a copy of a diary from a great grandfather serving in the Canadian army exploring the Canadian West during the 1st WW.  The diary depicted the tremendous difficulties faced during the winter travels and times.  A mountain peak and creek were named after him.  Tips:  Don’t pass over a familiar name without checking story further.  Use Google maps to locate whereabouts of the mountain peak in Canada, check college alumni societies of a know school for additional history, copy any work onto alkaline paper to avoid destruction 100 years from now.

11. John Weaber – 1700’s German prayer book handed down to namesakes.  Tip: protect in acid free storage.  Secure a translation for any hand written notes written inside for understanding of the person or time.

12. Matilde Cruise – Old Shaving Mug belonging to ancestor.  Tip:  the “barber” kept shaving cups on a shelf for his regular clients.  The decorative arts were valued even on masculine articles such as the shaving cup.

13. Cheryl Bitner – Advertisement and old candy scale and weights belonging to family in the 1920’s. Tip:  Business directories can be found at the Hagley museum, ads in old newspapers and local directories.  When traveling to visit old locations, ALWAYS KNOCK ON THE DOOR.  They may let you in to see inside.

14. Marilyn Toole – Read her article on “The Lost Graveyard” which has recently been published. Tips:  This tale reminds us to help to preserve the history so that it may be passed on.  Each of us can assume some responsibility for this and pass it on.  Use Google Earth to retrace steps, knock on every door, and hunt for the family bibles. On E-Bay search (then advanced search, and enter notice of search).  Lastly “Open the phone books while traveling.”

15. Bruce Arnold – Beautiful leather bound book from Scotland with old photos.  Tip:  Always protect your pictures.  Display copies when you can.  Look for the international meaning of flags to look for hidden clues. 

16. Sydney Cruise Dixon – Pictures of a sought after sampler yielding names and dates of family history.  Tips:  Pursue your search and secure good documentation and proof.  Going the extra mile can benefit others besides your research.  When there is no one to carry on the family history, donate the artifacts and history to the local history Museum, DAR, or Genealogy archive.

17. Susie Hedrick – Old silver baby cup from England, 1810,  belonging to great great great Grandfather.  Discovering an old note from a family member revealed the first and middle name and offered his occupation before coming to this country as well as the city that he came from.  Thus, ending a three year quest for this information.  Tip:  Don’t throw away old letters and notes and don’t give the old silver away until you know more about it!