This multimedia experiment was inspired when we received
the following request:
Below is a link for a WTC peace fountain proposal that employs chaos theory. Please let me know what you think if you have the time. Thanks for your time.
Some excerpts from the site:
1. "This is a fountain of light, water, and music. ALL cultures are included. It is a world monument to peace-- proof that America is about peace first, not money."2. "... Love. Love conquers all. It is God. It is God's greatest gift to mankind. We cannot see it, yet each one of us know that it exists."
3. "... Each person's personal relationship with God. The "unknown." Mathematical (algebraic/digital)."
4. "IRREGULAR FORM= Chaos. Evil, hell. Also the unpredictable in life (i.e. another's free will, a barking dog, the WTC bombing, an opportunity to help/make peace, a red light). The unpredictable can be good, bad, or benign. Also mathematical (chaos theory, the random can be predicted which has applications to time and space travel as well as prophecy)."
If one assumes #2 and #3 to be true,
then with a few Rules Of Inference...
one could
prove that chaos is love
(making statement
#4 a false.)
And, of course to even make a statement like "God is love" ...does it beg the question of God's very existence. If "God is," does God exist? What does it mean to exist?
That is to say, most definitions of God include something such as:
God can not be sensed through the human senses.
God is not of this world.
God is the Infinite and Perfect Spirit.
Most people would also agree that God (like Evil, Gravity, Chaos, etc.) is difficult to see, hear, taste, touch or smell.
Thus, to say -- "God is" -- puts one at a philosophical disadvantage for at least two reasons:
Thus, the ridiculousness of saying God is love or Chaos is love persuaded us to plea --
"just say no" to roundabout arguments... especially when what we need is a whole lotta love?
Also see: Show Me The.... & Antithesis Atheist
A spastic fit.
You emit:
IRREGULAR FORM= Chaos. Evil, hell.
Tell me quick... well?
You say:
It (love) is God.
Please pass the info. my way... very odd.
tickle me with a fractal... I must be dreaming... I'm having a nightmare, it'd be seeming.
cuz, if i see one more people(s) mixin' up chaos and anarchy... I may break out in a spastic (though not random) fit!
Please everyone in tandem,
Shout it out,
No more roundabout!
Cause what we need here is a whole lotta love!
Bring it down from above.
Chaos is
The movement of a cloud,
Humpbacks singing aloud,
Formations of snowflakes,
Tremors from earthquakes.
Why... geewiz... Chaos is...
How God is seen,
Do you know what I mean?
Chaos is the power of God.
You say love is God.
Chaos is ?
Very, very odd...
I could rant for a while more... sup'ose thought's
something I shouldn't store.
You proclaim:
Each person's personal relationship with God. The "unknown." Mathematical (algebraic/digital)
Am I sane?
If each person's gig with God is based on algorithms.
And, Chaos Theory is trying to figure these rhythms...
er, a...
me with a fractal...
I must be dreaming...
I'm having a nightmare, it'd be seeming.
cuz, if i see one more people(s) mixin' up chaos and anarchy... I may break out in a spastic (though not random) fit!
Please everyone in tandem,
Shout it out,
No more roundabout!
Cause what we need here is a whole lotta love!
Instead, let's be fed a whole lotta love.
Wanna whole lotta love?
Bring it down from above.
What we need here is schoolin',
I ain't foolin,
Wanna whole lotta love!
And, with our skill,
Find the will,
To open...
The stairway to heaven.