Glistening Trail Records
Original Music & Videos

...the only extemporaneous music label?
we have a passion for recording in an impromptu fashion

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2024 Albums

Love Love: Embracing Love's Power to Save the World

To Cause A Change: The Philadelphia Experiment

We're Here... er, a... Were Here

MegaEpix Enormous

The Future


Happy: The Fine Line Between

= The Equation

The Reign of Violent Rain

Camelot's Resurgence

Deep Dive Into Spacetime Music

The Echoes of Earth's Wrath

Check Your Temperature (Rock) | Rawhide-ous (Folk) | Gobsmackingly Bananas (Space / Instrumentals)

Current Projects

4D Music
Spacetime Continuum Songs and Lyrics

Speciman (and the Experiments)
Alt. Rock


Space Instrumentals

Music for Kids to Sing and Dance To


Songs about:
Climate Change | Dogs | Science | Chaos Theory | Love | Time | Freedom

The tunage is what matters.

In 1986, several people happened together and proceeded to jam in their Philadelphia cave. Not a group of people getting together for the purpose of fame and fortune, but rather an experiment in spirit, mind and body. The spontaneous get-togethers are a strange thing to try n' explain....

The band of minstrels became known as the Electric Slugs. As the Electric Slugs left their cave... they also left glistening trails behind, thus, the name -- Glistening Trail Records. We put the first music on the world wide web in 1994.

Please help us Cause a Change.

Music as a Universal Language: Music has the power to communicate emotions universally. Certain melodies, harmonies, or rhythms can evoke specific feelings that resonate with people across different cultures and backgrounds.

ExperiMental Music: The music and lyrics are written and recorded extemporaneously. Extemporaneous, spontaneous, improvisation, jamming, freestyle, and impromptu music are most closely related to pure chaos. The music and lyrics evolve from the "sensitive initial conditions" similar to "a fluttering butterfly in China causing a hurricane in the Atlantic (The Buttrerfly Effect)." Be a butterfly and affect the world.

The Relationships Between M-Theory, Chaos Theory, and Music


© The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment